- Successful Defense: BCM Law, P.C. Secures Favorable Ruling in Knee Injury Case
- Brady, Connolly & Masuda, P.C. Prevails Before Appellate Court Regarding Erroneous Finding of Lien Waiver
- Luis Cuadrado v. F.H. Paschen, S.N. Nielsen, 11 WC 45776
- Theory of Multiple Chemical Sensitivity Rejected by Arbitrator
- Rozalyn L. Childs v. Renaissance of South Shore
- Thomas M. Hickman v. Oak Park School District
- William D. Brewster successfully convinced
- BCM closes down petitioner's claim for future medical
- BCM Proves Janitor Who Was Suspended for Job Performance Did Not Suffer an Accident
- Petitioner's inaccurate history
- Former Carpenter Denied Second Wage Differential
- Daniel Cody Proves Office Worker Not As Hurt As She Alleged
- Arbitrator adopts IME doctor over treater
- Petitioner's failure to follow employer's reporting protocol helps prove accident did not occur
- Successful in defending a case
- John P. Connolly successfully defended the employer
- John P. Connolly successfully defended an elevator manufacturer
- Marilyn Nash vs. Motorola, Inc.